

Ting-Wei Chen (1990, Taipei)

Born in Taipei in 1990, internationally acclaimed flutist Ting-Wei Chen performs as soloist, chamber musician and solo flutist of Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. The Engagements have taken him to the most prestigious concert halls: Vienna Musikverein, London’s Albert Hall, New York’s Carnegie Hall, Paris’ Philharmonie, Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie, Berlin Konzerthaus among others.

Ting-Wei Chen has received numerous 1st prizes at international competitions including Budapest International Flute Competition in Hungary, Friedrich Kuhlau Flute Competition in Germany and International Competition for Japanese and Bulgarian Music in Bulgaria. He was also semi- finalist at the Nielsen Competition and Genève Competition. 

He has played diverse pieces as a soloist with several orchestras, including Hungarian Raidio Orchestra, Odense Symphony Orchestra, Rzeszów Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and Taipei Symphony Orchestra.
As an orchestra musician, Ting-Wei Chen has been working with Tonkünstler Orchester NÖ, Augsburger Philharmoniker in the Staatstheater Augsburg as solo-flutist and Bruckner Orchester Linz in the States Opera Linz as 2. flutist. As Guest, he has been working with SWR Symphony Orchestra, Wiener Kammerorchester, Oslo Kammerakademi and Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra under direction of Kirill Petrenko, Herbert Blomstedt, Esa-Pekka Solonen, Christoph Eschenbach, Krzysztof Urbański, Dennis Russell Davies, Domonkos Héja, Yutaka Sado, Vladimir Jurowski, Betrand de Billy, Andres Orozco-Estrada, Jun Märkl and others.
His passion for chamber music and contemporary music has led him and ‘‘Prisma Trio Vienna’’ to the Gläsernersaal in Musikverein Vienna and ECMA music festival.


He acquired the degree of Magister Artium of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with Barbara Gisler-Haase and studied contemporary music at University of Music and Performing Art Munich with Andrea Lieberknecht-Jensen.

Ting-Wei Chen is deeply passionate about sharing his experience and communicating with young artists in various outreach programs, workshops or personal couching. Since 2020 he lectures also flute for the concert study (Konzertfach) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.